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Genova 2009

buonomo veglia srl   architettura ingegneria

Two different troubles regard­ the outplacement of the library and the archives into the spaces identified in Tobia Pallavicino’s building.

The first is the need to insert the typical and specialised func­tions, as reading facilities, into the con­text of an historical building with high artistical quality constructing elements. The second is the difficulty of link in­ternally the new part with the old one and the entrance from Via Garibaldi.

Hence, our two main interventions.

 • insertion of a vertical connecting body in the center of the covered courtyard;

 • demolition and reconstruction of the courtyard floor at a slightly lower level, allowing the construction of a floating raised floor with a technical gravity space center.

€ 1,000,000

mq 808

Chamber of Commerce of Genoa

Buonomo Veglia srl, PAT associated architects - competition project

Stefano Veglia - lighting project

Studio Renato Lazzareni - mechanical systems design

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buonomo veglia srl

Architettura Ingegneria


© 2018 - buonomo veglia srl | architettura ingegneria  

+39 011 2481365       Fax: +39 011 0674473   

C.F.  e  P.I.  08968900012  -  Capitale Sociale interamente versato 10.000 euro 

CCIAA di Torino 08968900012      REA 101532

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