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buonomo veglia srl   architettura ingegneria


Alessandria 1974 - 1990

The recuperation project was aimed at reaching two main objectives. The first consisted in recuperating, through conservative restoration, the original architectonic elements. The second was to realize functional building organisms to meet the demands of the principal, who asked for a “machine to work in”.

euro 15,330,000

mq 12.000

Savings Bank of Alexandria

Arch. Giuseppe Veglia - architectural project

Eng. Vittorio Rangoni - structural design

Ing. Dario Cantino - electrical systems design

Ing. D ario C antino - mechanical systems

Arch. Giuseppe Veglia - construction supervision

Ravera - company

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buonomo veglia srl

Architettura Ingegneria


© 2018 - buonomo veglia srl | architettura ingegneria  

+39 011 2481365       Fax: +39 011 0674473   

C.F.  e  P.I.  08968900012  -  Capitale Sociale interamente versato 10.000 euro 

CCIAA di Torino 08968900012      REA 101532

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