buonomo veglia srl architettura ingegneria
Moncalieri 2006 - 2008
The project envisages the tranformation of the complex into a meeting center and high level management training center, equipped with technologies and services typical of a congress center combined with the comfort of a luxury hotel. A prestigious, cozy and relaxing facility. All interventions are aimed at an environmentally friendly operation of the structure.
Object of the architectural and functional refurbishment is a complex composed by two different buildings, the Villa and the Cottage, both integrated in a large field partially wooded and partially set as garden.
€ 7,750,000
mq 3.000
Fondiaria sai spa
Buonomo Veglia srl - architectural project
Buonomo Veglia srl - structural project
pi Italo Bertana - electrical systems design
pi Franco Pautasso - mechanical systems design