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buonomo veglia srl   architettura ingegneria



The renewal of the Museum complex is based on five key points:

1. Enclosing the central courtyard, substituting it with a large glass-walled hall

2. New building to expand the exhibition area

3. Closing the driveway access on Corso Unità d’Italia, substituting it with a coffee shop

4. Concentrating all the car parks in a new multilevel parking below the slope.

The philosophy behind this project is based on the profound integration between architecture, structure, and utility systems, which work together, influencing each other.

Aiming at reducing the environmental impact of the building the project considers the following points:

1             reduction of CO2 emissions;

2             recycle and reuse of materials;

3             use of non-toxic materials;

4             adoption of technology to improve the overall environmental performance;

5             quality of the air and ventilation;

6             noise control;

7             consumption and conservation of water.

€ 14,000,000

mq 17.030

Turin automobile museum

Buonomo Veglia srl ​​with testa & veglia architects, arch. andrea lace, arch. Benedetta Veglia - competition project

el srl engineering service - electrical systems design

Renato Lazzerini studio - mechanical systems design


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buonomo veglia srl

Architettura Ingegneria


© 2018 - buonomo veglia srl | architettura ingegneria  

+39 011 2481365       Fax: +39 011 0674473   

C.F.  e  P.I.  08968900012  -  Capitale Sociale interamente versato 10.000 euro 

CCIAA di Torino 08968900012      REA 101532

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